Sat, 19 Oct
Sign up if you are interested to join Serchmaa's Contortion workshops (Intro to Contortion / Advanced Contortion) in Berlin. One workshop is approx. 2.5h, limited to 10 people. Read more below!

Time & Location
19 Oct 2024, 10:00 – 20 Oct 2024, 16:00
Berlin, Prinzenstrasse, Aufbau Haus am, Zugang über Oranienstraße, links neben Denns Biomarkt, Moritzpl. 85/Aufgang B1, 10969 Berlin, Germany
About the event
SAVE-THE-DATE: Contortion with Serchmaa Byamba in Berlin
Dates: 19 - 20 October at motion*s Moritzplatz (more details will be published when we publish the final sign up)
Workshop structure:
First workshop - Intro to Contortion (2-2.5h/day) Flat Splits are not required, Chest/Chinstand with flat feet is not required. You need a solid bridge and experience back bending. Holding elbow stands and contortion handstand is not required. More infos will come with the final sign up.
Second workshop - Advanced Contortion (2-2.5h/day) Only for those that are familiar with Mongolian contortion, have been training contortion for a while or are naturally very flexible in the back. Flat Splits is required, being comfortable in your Chest/Chinstand, elbowstands. Holding contortion handstand is not required. More infos will come with the final sign up.
* It will be possible to sign up for the full weekend, a full day or a single workshop - pricing will be released prior to final sign up. This is only a SAVE-THE-DATE. By signing up for the SAVE-THE-DATE you will be first to learn about the final sign up, ensuring you'll have a chance to grab a spot before the workshop sells out.